Sunday, October 28, 2007

The many faces of Asher

Even though you can't see him very well in this picture, Asher is sitting in his bouncy seat which he loves!

Here is our precious 2-month old (where does the time go!) sleeping so soundly! He loves to take naps on his belly!

And here is our 9-week-old in his new play gym (or whatever you call it). He loves to be on his back when he's awake and just take in the world, so Mommy thought he would like some new things to look at--other than the ceiling fan!

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Monday, October 22, 2007

8 weeks old

We were at a women's retreat this weekend and these are all the babies that were there. They were all born within about 10 weeks of each other this summer. Asher is the 2nd youngest. They all had a good time together and got lots of love and attention from all the ladies!

And here is our sweet little boy sitting real nicely for the camera.
He is so much more alert these days. He likes to smile and laugh a lot. He's also content to just lay on his back on a blanket and take in the world around him. He seems to be able to "play" by himself, but he also likes interaction with other people (especially other babies, he was talking up a storm this weekend with the others!). And he is definitely cooing a lot more these days. Over all, he seems to be a pretty content and laid back little boy.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Getting ready to play!

Here he is practicing a pose for when he's about to block the soccer ball from going into the goal!

Asher is now 7 weeks old and he keeps changing all the time! He's now cooing more and is much more alert and able to look around and take in the world around him. He looks pretty bald in this picture, but he does still have a little bit of hair on the back of his head.
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Asher has a friend!

This is Asher's friend, Aaron. He is exactly 4 weeks older than Asher (almost to the minute!). The 2 boys are the same weight, but as you can see, Asher is our roly poly little guy, while Aaron is long and lean! :-) Aren't they cute?!
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Sunday, October 7, 2007

So much energy!

Here's Asher doing a jig! This boy seems to be getting more and more energy every day. He is awake noticeably more than he used to be and he's very active when he is!

And here he is at exactly 6 weeks old (okay, maybe not to the minute, but it is the right day!)
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Friday, October 5, 2007

Some "old" pictures

Here are just a few pictures that Karyne (Paeter's sister) took when Asher was 3 days and 17 days (I think) old.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another week!

Asher just keeps changing from week to week! This week he has decided that he really likes his mobile in his playard. He also likes to look at the ceiling fans (although he's liked that for a while now). He had a Dr's appointment and now weighs 11 lbs 10 oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long. He's definitely growing! And he's now getting so old at 5 weeks that he already has a receeding hairline! Can you see it?!

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