Monday, December 17, 2007

What are these?

Asher has decided that his hands are pretty cool. He likes to look at them a lot and chew on them even more!

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All bundled up

It got cold here in AZ (70 degrees!). So, Asher had to be bundled up for bedtime. By the looks of him, it should be around 50 degrees, but it doesn't go below 69 in our house, and boy is that COLD!

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Lounging around

Yes, here's Asher being our "couch potato."
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Fun with Asher

I know it has been a while since I posted--boy does time get away from you when you have a newborn! Asher is still lots of fun and usually has lots of smiles for everyone (as long as he's not too tired) so I wanted to show you some more of them.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Playing on the couch

Just wanted to show some updated pictures.

Here's Asher showing you his new toy...

..."now if only I could figure out what to do with these."
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