Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the EXPERT spinner

Here's what Asher's "spinning" looks like these days. Notice the effortless skill he uses to get the bowls going! I don't know why he's shaking his hand like that. He doesn't do that most of the time. Maybe he was just excited this day. Hope you likey!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cruise on Canyon Lake

While my parents were in town (near the end of May) we went for a cruise on the Dolly Steamboat on Canyon Lake, and this is what Asher spent some of his time doing. Crazy boy! (He looks a little drunk at the end, but I promise there was nothing but WATER in that green cup he picked up!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Uh oh, baby!

This is Asher's new phrase (as of May 17th--sorry, I'm still a little behind in my posting, but at least I'm getting them on here!)

My matching boys

I just HAD to get a picture of this! Don't they make a GREAT pair?!

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

More pool action

Here's Asher splashing away in his pool again--he just LOVES the water! (Have I said that, yet?) This time, it's really warm outside, so he didn't get cold! :-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing with the laundry basket

'Nuf said

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Play Date

Asher and I had a play date with our friends Melissa and Aaron at the beginning of May and these are just a few pictures we took that day. This first one is of us trying to get the 2 boys to smile at the same time. (if you look closely you can see the reflection in the window of Melissa's attempt to get them to smile--good job Aaron! You think Mommy is funny! Asher just looks like he doesn't know WHAT is going on!)

These next 2 are of us telling the boys to give hugs (or maybe kisses, I can't remember). And they just never quite got there....

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

The AFTER pictures...

After Asher was in the pool, I decided that he needed a haircut BADLY!! (actually I had known for WEEKS that he needed one, but just didn't have the time!) So, I decided spur of the moment to take him over to a children's hair salon that several friends had GREAT experiences with their kids at. And when I got there, I found out they were closed...for GOOD! Oh, boy, now what was I going to do?! So, I decided, "here goes nothing!" and I sat him in his booster seat and put his favorite video on (which was only 30 minutes long so I had to work quickly!), gave him a PILE of Goldfish crackers and went to work. I really didn't have any idea what I was doing and as I got partway into the haircut, it really LOOKED like I had no idea what I was doing. But, the more I cut, the more I seemed to get the hang of it, and in the end I was really PROUD of the outcome! I thought I did a darn good job! :-) Yay! I was so scared that I was gonna have a very funny looking little boy when I was done. But what a relief that I didn't! So, here are the pictures I took immediately afterwards. Asher did surprisingly well! The only thing he had trouble with was when the scissors got close to his ears. He didn't like the sound of them. (and now it's actually time to do it all over again!)

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In the pool...a little early

I know how much Asher loves being in water, so I waited as long as I could before putting him in the pool, but it really wasn't quite warm enough, least not at 5:45pm when the sun was already starting to go down. This was from April 29th and the air temp was pretty warm to just be sitting out in, but the water was cold, and the air just wasn't THAT warm. So, Asher ended up with chattering teeth at the end, but he sure loved his time while he was IN the pool! And as I was deciding what part of the video to post I realized that Asher is trying to spin that bowl IN THE POOL! :-) He sure is a crazy boy! And, yes, says "puppy" at the end. I don't think you can hear it in the video, but we heard a dog bark, and Asher used one of his very few words to identify it!! Go Asher! (oh, and by the way, this is the BEFORE picture of his haircut!)