Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our Little Reader

So, I got a new digital camera--FINALLY, and now I'm just trying to figure out all the bells and whistles on it. But one thing I HAVE discovered is that it takes VIDEO, too! What an AWESOME bonus! Now, I don't have to drag out the big ol' video camera and then put the whole tape on the computer, then edit the clip I want to post, etc, etc. This is MUCH simpler! So, here is a little clip of our precious boy who just loves to read. ENJOY!


Jeanetta said...

Love your new background. Asher is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

That was GREAT! Imagine all of us sitting around the computer laughing! It was adorable!

Herrman's said...

I love this! I think I will ask Asher to take over story time in the nursery :)

Melissa Stephenson said...

Ha ha!!! That is soooo cute =) I love it! And I like Sarah's idea - lol!

kvanzandt said...

This was AWESOME! : ) I can't wait to see him in person again! Kaity was impressed with how much it looked and sounded like he was really reading the book! : ) What a cutie! : )