Thursday, May 29, 2008

Asher's Progress

I tried to show a little of the progression of Asher learning to crawl. The 2 halves of the video are about a week to a week-and-a-half apart. In the first half you'll see that he's not very steady and he can't quite sit up. He'll stay leaning on one hand (or just fall over). And he can't quite crawl, but he can push himself backwards! In the second half it is Memorial Day at Uncle Jon and Aunt Karyne's house. He's doing much better now! (For extra credit, can anyone name the movie that's playing in the background??)


Chris and Tiana said...

Uh oh! You're in trouble now. Life will never be the same again once Baby starts to crawl. But it's so much fun. What a big boy!

Batman Begins!! Am I right??

Holly said...

Yay, Tiana! You guessed the movie! And Paeter says, "Well done, Tiana." He was impressed that you even knew it was "Batman Begins" and not just "some Batman movie." Whoohoo!!

Chris and Tiana said...

Yay for me!! I did that all on my own, too - no input from Chris. I have to admit, I love Batman. I've always loved the Superman movies (not necessarily the comic books, like Paeter, just the movies), but Batman is my favorite. I love the old Batman and Robin cartoons. And I LOVED Batman Begins. That one was great. I can't wait to see the new one. I'm so proud of myself :)

kvanzandt said...

Frank knew it was Batman Begins too. Although I'm sure Paeter's not as impressed with his guess. He said he knew it as soon as he heard Liam Nieson (sp?). I can't believe how fast Asher is growing!! Alliyah is taking some hair styling tips from him. Most of the time she has a mohawk going on! Especially right after her bath...It will lay down though with some extra water added! : )