This post is actually a continuation of the previous post about our vacation to Montana.... So, after we spent about a day (one afternoon, and the next morning) in Yellowstone, we drove over to near Big Sky, Montana to go to our family reunion! It was really nice to see everybody (most of whom I'd met 6 years ago at the last reunion) and get reaquainted a bit. But, it was especially great to see Paeter's sister, Jhannea and her family as well as Nana D and Papa Tim! (They've been gone for the past 6-7 weeks up north, visiting family.)
I just had to include this picture because this is what Asher does when he sees I'm about to take a picture. He's anticipating the flash. He'll see the little red light turn on and then he closes his eyes. I forgot to wait for that this time, and accidentally took the picture while his eyes were closed. Normally, I remember to wait until he opens his eyes again.

And here are the members of the "Tim Frandsen Family" who were there (Jon and Karyne couldn't make it because they were in Italy!! We missed you!). Yes, I have my eyes closed. What can I say, like mother like son??
I just had to include this picture because this is what Asher does when he sees I'm about to take a picture. He's anticipating the flash. He'll see the little red light turn on and then he closes his eyes. I forgot to wait for that this time, and accidentally took the picture while his eyes were closed. Normally, I remember to wait until he opens his eyes again.
And here are the members of the "Tim Frandsen Family" who were there (Jon and Karyne couldn't make it because they were in Italy!! We missed you!). Yes, I have my eyes closed. What can I say, like mother like son??
Here are Asher and cousin Lanae. They are about 9 1/2 weeks apart, and they had fun "playing" together (that's in quotes because they didn't really play WITH each other, they just mostly played NEAR each other).
We all had a fun time, but isn't it funny how you have to recover from a vacation? I think I get to sleep more at home when I'm not on vacation, than I did while on our trip (and I don't get to sleep much at home between work and Asher!). Oh well, it was still very fun and very much needed to have time away from work!! Oh, and in case you're wondering Asher did VERY well on the the plane and all the driving around we did. (he had his moments, of course, but don't we all?) I'm so proud of him!
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