Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mommy's helper?

I guess Asher decided that he wanted to help "fold" the diapers. It usually takes me at least twice as long when he "helps" me!
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Playing at the park

It's been a couple weeks since these picture were taken, but we've been trying to take trips to the park these days since the weather is SO NICE! Asher loves the slide, but he's not sure what he thinks of the sand, just yet. And he always finds ONE rock to bring back home.

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So, Asher just got done teething again, and now he's sleeping better at night, which is really nice for Mommy and Daddy! That makes 8 teeth total now, and I don't think it will be long before the molars start to give him problems!
Asher still LOVES books and would have you read to him all day long, if you'd let him! And when someone else isn't reading to him, he "reads" to himself! It's just so precious! I've captured just a little of it on film, and hope to get some more before he grows out of this stage! He's also starting to say a few words--finally! :-) So far I've heard "Hi!", "uh, oh", "daddy/dada", "doe!(no!)", and just yesterday, "baby" when he saw himself in the mirror, and then again when he saw a baby on TV.
He loves to have music, too, and has been "singing" off and on for a while, but just in the last few days I actually heard him sing a few letters when he was singing along with one of his toys that was playing the ABCs! And I SWEAR I heard him sing "Jesus loves you..." (just those words, but the song continued in "Asher speak" after that). The ABC song and Jesus Loves Me (Actually I sing it to him Jesus loves YOU) are the 2 songs that Paeter and I have been singing to him since birth, because those are 2 BIG things that we want for READ, and to KNOW JESUS! Yay! He's getting it! :-)

Art Show

On January 7th, we went to an art show fund-raising event that a friend of ours had. She had a professional photographer there who took this picture. I didn't even know it was taken! But, anyway, I just thought it was amazing and wanted to share it with all of you!
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Well, there you have it.

Okay, so I've updated my blog from the last 2 months. Sorry it took me so long, everyone! I hope you enjoy all the pics, and I hope it doesn't take me that long again! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

One more time.

Here's that swing and slide again, and Asher just can't wipe that smile off his face!

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Reading, already?

Well, as I said before, Asher loves books, and I just had to snap a couple pictures when I saw this. It looks like he's reading! And at one point he was even talking as he was looking at the pages. It was so precious! :-)

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Christmas Morning

Here's Asher playing with one of his fun new toys from Grandma and Papa Corbett!

And new books, too! Ohhhh, Asher LOVES books!

Here's a close-up! See that yellow spot on his left cheek? It's a bruise that's healing and I have no idea how he got that bruise! (crib, maybe?)
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Christmas Eve

Paeter's sister, Jhannea and her family have been in town from Grand Forks, ND, so we got to spend Christmas with them and the rest of Paeter's family. Here are a couple pics of the kids opening presents on Christmas Eve (that's when the Frandsen family opens most of their presents). This first one is cousin Brylan who just turned 3!

And here is cousin Lanae opening her Disney princess car (she's just 2 months younger than Asher).

Crazy Daddy!
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Aren't "Ocean Wonders" soothing?!

This is how I found Asher at the end of his "crib time." He definitely loves his Ocean Wonders!
("crib time" is what happens because Asher stopped taking morning naps a couple of months ago. But, Mommy (and Daddy!) still needs her time in the morning, so Asher gets to be in his crib to play with his Ocean Wonders for an hour. And this seems to be much needed alone time for Asher, as well! All in all, it's a good arrangement for everyone!)
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There's that swing again!

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Playing piano with Daddy

What'd I tell you?! Asher loves being with his Daddy!

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I think this boy might love the rain almost as much as his Daddy!

But, it sure was cold, so we had to throw a towel on him...

...and cuddle with Daddy.

Asher doesn't look so happy to be back inside.
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A few of my favorite things

Puzzle pieces

Door stops

I'm not sure what he's doing, here...

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Little Spiderman!

Is he about to climb the wall?
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Cute Pics

Here are a few more random pics that I took. Just wanted to share.
I know this first one is a little blurry, but I still like it because Asher is so CUTE in it!

He likes to play with milk jugs--and anything else he can get out of the recycling bin!

Big smile!

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