This is how I found Asher at the end of his "crib time." He definitely loves his Ocean Wonders!
("crib time" is what happens because Asher stopped taking morning naps a couple of months ago. But, Mommy (and Daddy!) still needs her time in the morning, so Asher gets to be in his crib to play with his Ocean Wonders for an hour. And this seems to be much needed alone time for Asher, as well! All in all, it's a good arrangement for everyone!)
("crib time" is what happens because Asher stopped taking morning naps a couple of months ago. But, Mommy (and Daddy!) still needs her time in the morning, so Asher gets to be in his crib to play with his Ocean Wonders for an hour. And this seems to be much needed alone time for Asher, as well! All in all, it's a good arrangement for everyone!)
You're really lucky that he'll stay in his crib like that. Clara Beth will do that, too. She loves to be in her bed and spend some alone time. But I've learned that most kids won't do that, so I've realized how fortunate I am to have a kid who craves alone time so Mommy can have alone time, too! And by the way, I think we have the same crib! Although my big girl just moved to a big girl bed (sigh...).
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