These videos are from over a month ago--actually almost 2 months ago! And like the previous post, Asher has gotten much better since then (even singing the 2nd verse, now!), but this is when Asher had just begun singing "Jesus Loves Me" with us. Such a precious little voice. :-) Don't you agree?!
And here I caught Asher singing all by himself "Yes Jesus Loves ME! The Bible tells me so! Yay!" I LOVE how he's almost shouting it, and he kept doing this over and over and over! Asher may not know who Jesus is, yet, but it makes me happy that he knows this song already and will be able to ask questions about it soon so that we can teach him about the Truth that is in it!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jesus Loves Me!
Posted by Holly at 10:51 PM 3 comments
This video clip is almost 3 months old, but I had to start somewhere, right? I remember taking this video because Asher was playing with his "cell phone" and started saying, "hello!" He hadn't really said this word before, so it was very exciting at the time. His vocabulary has since exploded and I hopeto show more of that in future posts.
Posted by Holly at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
To "tide you over" until I have more time...
Posted by Holly at 9:17 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
the EXPERT spinner
Here's what Asher's "spinning" looks like these days. Notice the effortless skill he uses to get the bowls going! I don't know why he's shaking his hand like that. He doesn't do that most of the time. Maybe he was just excited this day. Hope you likey!
Posted by Holly at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cruise on Canyon Lake
While my parents were in town (near the end of May) we went for a cruise on the Dolly Steamboat on Canyon Lake, and this is what Asher spent some of his time doing. Crazy boy! (He looks a little drunk at the end, but I promise there was nothing but WATER in that green cup he picked up!)
Posted by Holly at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Uh oh, baby!
This is Asher's new phrase (as of May 17th--sorry, I'm still a little behind in my posting, but at least I'm getting them on here!)
Posted by Holly at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
More pool action
Here's Asher splashing away in his pool again--he just LOVES the water! (Have I said that, yet?) This time, it's really warm outside, so he didn't get cold! :-)
Posted by Holly at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Play Date
Posted by Holly at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The AFTER pictures...
Posted by Holly at 1:35 PM 2 comments
In the pool...a little early
I know how much Asher loves being in water, so I waited as long as I could before putting him in the pool, but it really wasn't quite warm enough, least not at 5:45pm when the sun was already starting to go down. This was from April 29th and the air temp was pretty warm to just be sitting out in, but the water was cold, and the air just wasn't THAT warm. So, Asher ended up with chattering teeth at the end, but he sure loved his time while he was IN the pool! And as I was deciding what part of the video to post I realized that Asher is trying to spin that bowl IN THE POOL! :-) He sure is a crazy boy! And, yes, says "puppy" at the end. I don't think you can hear it in the video, but we heard a dog bark, and Asher used one of his very few words to identify it!! Go Asher! (oh, and by the way, this is the BEFORE picture of his haircut!)
Posted by Holly at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The REAL beginning
These are the culprits that started the whole "spinning" thing. Every time we went over to Nana and Papa's house he would go straight to these wooden rings and drop them on the floor, I guess because he liked the sound of them. Then as they started spinning, he just kept doing that and the rest is history....
Posted by Holly at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Crazy bed head hair!
Posted by Holly at 8:59 PM 0 comments
The beginning
This is Asher when he first started Tupperware spinning. I will post (hopefully soon) what it looks like these days! This video was taken on April 12th. It's amazing how much time he spends doing this. Paeter thinks that when Asher grows up he will be a plate spinner! :-)
Posted by Holly at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Easter Pic
Posted by Holly at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
oh boy
Wow, here it is, another month has gone by since I posted last. Where does the time go? Well, hopefully I'll get something up here again, soon! I do have pictures and video, but they're still on my camera. You can forget about me getting any blogging done during the week, and on Saturdays, too, for that matter, so that leaves me just with Sundays. And here it is Sunday evening again, and nothing to show you all. Please check back soon, and I will try my hardest to have something new for you to look at!! Thanks for hanging in there for me with my BUSY life! Love you all! :)
Posted by Holly at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ducks at the park

Posted by Holly at 9:02 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The "time out" spot
Posted by Holly at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Singing the ABCs
We have sung the ABC song to Asher since he was born, so he's probably heard the song at least 1000 times! And now he has 2 toys that at the push of a button will play the ABC song FOR him! How fun it was for him to discover that his toys play a song that he knows! So, I guess it was inevitable that he would start to sing along. Well, here's a video of him singing some of it, (as you can see, he get's distracted)but in this clip you don't ever get to hear him finish it. I'll have to capture that another time!
Posted by Holly at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Ahhh, they start so young.
Posted by Holly at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Our Little Reader
So, I got a new digital camera--FINALLY, and now I'm just trying to figure out all the bells and whistles on it. But one thing I HAVE discovered is that it takes VIDEO, too! What an AWESOME bonus! Now, I don't have to drag out the big ol' video camera and then put the whole tape on the computer, then edit the clip I want to post, etc, etc. This is MUCH simpler! So, here is a little clip of our precious boy who just loves to read. ENJOY!
Posted by Holly at 11:33 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Mommy's helper?
Posted by Holly at 9:57 PM 1 comments
Playing at the park
Posted by Holly at 9:54 PM 2 comments
So, Asher just got done teething again, and now he's sleeping better at night, which is really nice for Mommy and Daddy! That makes 8 teeth total now, and I don't think it will be long before the molars start to give him problems!
Asher still LOVES books and would have you read to him all day long, if you'd let him! And when someone else isn't reading to him, he "reads" to himself! It's just so precious! I've captured just a little of it on film, and hope to get some more before he grows out of this stage! He's also starting to say a few words--finally! :-) So far I've heard "Hi!", "uh, oh", "daddy/dada", "doe!(no!)", and just yesterday, "baby" when he saw himself in the mirror, and then again when he saw a baby on TV.
He loves to have music, too, and has been "singing" off and on for a while, but just in the last few days I actually heard him sing a few letters when he was singing along with one of his toys that was playing the ABCs! And I SWEAR I heard him sing "Jesus loves you..." (just those words, but the song continued in "Asher speak" after that). The ABC song and Jesus Loves Me (Actually I sing it to him Jesus loves YOU) are the 2 songs that Paeter and I have been singing to him since birth, because those are 2 BIG things that we want for READ, and to KNOW JESUS! Yay! He's getting it! :-)
Posted by Holly at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Art Show
Posted by Holly at 9:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Well, there you have it.
Okay, so I've updated my blog from the last 2 months. Sorry it took me so long, everyone! I hope you enjoy all the pics, and I hope it doesn't take me that long again! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Posted by Holly at 3:55 PM 1 comments